

苏州申一智能科技有限公司成立于2017年,致力于电气传动、机械连接、电气集成、线缆定制等服务领域,业务以江浙沪为 中心,服务客户超过200家,公司有优秀的技术服务、完善的产品供应链以及售后服务体系,是一家年 轻充满活力的自动化服务公司,服务的客户行业涉及激光、食品饮料、包装、印刷、化工、塑料、3C、 锂电、轮胎、汽车和通讯等领域。

Founded in 2017, our company is committed to the service fields such as electrical transmission, mechanical con- nection, electrical integration, and cable customization etc. The area is centered on Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, and we served more than 200 customers. We have excellent technical services, perfect product supply chain and after-sales service system. It is a young and energetic automation service company. The customer industries we are serving involve laser, food and beverage, packaging, printing, chemical, plastic, 3C, lithium battery, tire, auto and communication etc.


申一智能是一家年轻充满活力的自动化服务公司,提供各类传动解决方案、盘柜 集成方案、信息化解决方案以及电缆定制方案,本着以客户需求为中心,急客户 之所急、想客户之所想的理念,目标发展为中国自动化行业最有价值合作伙伴。

Shyee-tec is a young and energetic automation company which provides various solutions in transmission, cabinet integration, Data-Information, and cable customization. Based on the concept of focusing on customer needs, which aims to develop into the most valuable partner in China in this industry.
Copy right ©2020 版权所有:苏州申一智能科技有限公司 备案号:苏ICP备2020067563号-1 航空插头 非标减速机 三坐标测量机 微电机